Represents a local position measurement to be passed to LocalPositionMeasurementInterface::update
#include <px4_ros2/navigation/experimental/local_position_measurement_interface.hpp>
rclcpp::Time | timestamp_sample {} |
| Timestamp of the sample.
std::optional< Eigen::Vector2f > | position_xy {std::nullopt} |
| Position in the xy-plane.
std::optional< Eigen::Vector2f > | position_xy_variance {std::nullopt} |
| Variance of position error in the xy-plane.
std::optional< float > | position_z {std::nullopt} |
| Position in the z-axis.
std::optional< float > | position_z_variance {std::nullopt} |
| Variance of position error in the z-axis.
std::optional< Eigen::Vector2f > | velocity_xy {std::nullopt} |
| Velocity in the xy-plane.
std::optional< Eigen::Vector2f > | velocity_xy_variance {std::nullopt} |
| Variance of velocity error in the xy-plane.
std::optional< float > | velocity_z {std::nullopt} |
| Velocity in the z-axis.
std::optional< float > | velocity_z_variance {std::nullopt} |
| Variance of velocity error in the z-axis.
std::optional< Eigen::Quaternionf > | attitude_quaternion {std::nullopt} |
| Attitude quaternion [w, x, y, z], Hamiltonian convention.
std::optional< Eigen::Vector3f > | attitude_variance {std::nullopt} |
| Variance of attitude error in body frame.
Represents a local position measurement to be passed to LocalPositionMeasurementInterface::update
This struct holds information about the local position measurement, including: the timestamp of the sample, vertical and horizontal postion and velocity, attitude, and their associated variances.
- See also
- LocalPositionMeasurementInterface::update
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: