PX4 ROS 2 Interface Library
Library to interface with PX4 from a companion computer using ROS 2
px4_ros2::OdometryAngularVelocity Class Reference

Provides access to the vehicle's angular velocity estimate. More...

#include <px4_ros2/odometry/angular_velocity.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for px4_ros2::OdometryAngularVelocity:
px4_ros2::Subscription< px4_msgs::msg::VehicleAngularVelocity >

Public Member Functions

 OdometryAngularVelocity (Context &context)
Eigen::Vector3f angularVelocityFrd () const
 Get the vehicle's angular velocity in FRD frame. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from px4_ros2::Subscription< px4_msgs::msg::VehicleAngularVelocity >
 Subscription (Context &context, const std::string &topic)
void onUpdate (const UpdateCallback &callback)
 Add a callback to execute when receiving a new message. More...
const px4_msgs::msg::VehicleAngularVelocity & last () const
 Get the last-received message. More...
const rclcpp::Time & lastTime () const
 Get the receive-time of the last message. More...
bool lastValid (const std::chrono::duration< int64_t, DurationT > max_delay=500ms) const
 Check whether the last message is still valid. To be valid, the message must have been received within a given time of the current time. More...

Detailed Description

Provides access to the vehicle's angular velocity estimate.

Member Function Documentation

◆ angularVelocityFrd()

Eigen::Vector3f px4_ros2::OdometryAngularVelocity::angularVelocityFrd ( ) const

Get the vehicle's angular velocity in FRD frame.

the angular velocity

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