Auterion App SDK
Auterion SDK is a library that can be used by AuterionOS apps to communicate with the system.
auterion::TrackingResult Class Reference

Represents the result of an image tracking operation. More...

#include <auterion_sdk/tracking/tracking_interface.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  Frame {
  Camera , Body , FMU , World ,

Public Member Functions

 TrackingResult (const cv::Point &object_center, const cv::Size &object_size, const float confidence=1.f)
TrackingResultwithConfidence (const float confidence)
TrackingResultwithObjectDirection (const Eigen::Vector3f &direction, Frame frame)
cv::Point getObjectCenter () const
cv::Size getObjectSize () const
float getConfidence () const
Eigen::Vector3f getObjectDirection (Frame frame=Frame::Camera) const

Detailed Description

Represents the result of an image tracking operation.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: